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All images, trademarks and other distinctive signs which might be used or referenced to in this website belong to their respective owners. Access to the websitesite does not provide the user with the right to use such trademarks and distinctive signs without a specific and written permission of their respective and legitimate owners.
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The access to this website does not provide the user with the right to manipulate, reproduce, modify, distribute, republish (both the total content or in parts), its content and information, if not disposing of a specific and written permission issued by the owner and/or third owner of related rights of use and/or reproduction.
Any link to this website, by third-party websites, can only be made with a written premission issued by Bar Trattoria l’Mulin. In all cases they shall be referring to the homepage. A link to internal pages by using techniques such as deep-linking, framing, or scraping, data mining, is strictly forbidden and violations will be prosecuted by law.
Interactive links on this website to other sites managed by third parties, are authorised by Bar Trattoria l’Mulin which, however, does not operate any control over the information, products, services that may be offered or to adopted privacy policies. Therefore, Bar Trattoria l’Mulin does not take any responsibility for the content and the technical-operational mode of such external sites, especially with respects to security aspects: in this connection, it will be the user responsibility to take appropriate precautions with suitable anti-virus systems, as well as finding solid information in terms of policy. Every linked website will have its own privacy policy, different and independent from that of the owner of this domain, who is not in charge of veryfying itverify it. Surfers are therefore asked to examine carefully the privacy policies on every linked website.
In any case for any communications from the navigators on the reliability or not on the illegality of these sites, the Bar Trattoria the Mulin may, in its sole discretion, suspend the link.
The web user is made aware of the fact that data transmission over the Internet cannot be guaranteed absolute security. It is the visitor’s burden to provide suitable information security mechanisms, and to verify the correctness of the data supplied. Email addresses on the site belong to Bar Trattoria the Mulin and are managed in accordance with the privacy policy adopted. The owner of this domain cannot in any event be held to other benefit in addition to the timely and correct application of security standards required by the regulations in force, and in particular the application of the security measures referred to in the Decree 196/2003.
Further Instructions
The limitations on responsability mentioned above do not have the goal of limiting the domain owner’s responsibility, or to exclude it for cases in which it cannot be by any means excluded or limited according to the national law. Please consider that by getting access to this website you agree on the fact that the law and regulations of the Italian State are applied to all matters relating to the use of this website.
Although the contents of this website are periodically updated and modified, the owner cannot by any means state with certainty that content will never contain errors and/or omissions that somehow put into question the correctness of the information the user is provided with.
In this case, the Bar Trattoria l’Mulin is not responsible in any way for any damages related to the content of what is published. Even word processing, althought always object of detailed supervision, does not imply specific responsibility for unconscious errors or inaccuracies.
Please remember that this website does not represent a news organization and it is occasionally and exclusively updated by the staff of Bar Trattoria l’Mulin – or by the intervention of specific professional profiles as far as graphic and photographic content are concerned. Since the updates will be occasional, you cannot by any means consider this website as an editorial product in the sense of Legge No 62 of 07.03.2001.
2018 © Bar Trattoria l’Mulin | Fr. Inverso, Vico Canavese – 10080 (TO) Via Beratto 38 | P.IVA 06566430010
[Design, Translations & Graphics by Matteo Marasco]